10/12/2024 | ID: 43893

DPA + MMM5 NSW MB SuperClinic! Bus + bldg 4 sale!

Business Asking Price: $350,000
Building: (Building valuation in progress)

VR GP reqd to buy this rural GP clinic (accredited for reg training).

The owners have given great service & been terrific employers, resulting in long term (20 yrs) staff. This practice has the capacity for 7 drs & offers growth in aged care visits, skin cancer clinics, CDM & health assessments by age.


W/ a large family, it’s time for more work/life balance! Selling to retire.
Practice History & Facilities

Purchased business in 1997 w/ a super clinic grant for expansion in 2009
11 rms, 2 nurse stations (1x w/ chair + 1x w/ bed), a 1x bed procedure rm & allied health services

3.4 FTE GPs w/ 5 drs on 65/35%
2 GPs wk 4x/wk w/ on-call duties, 2 GPs & the owner wk 3x/wk
1x dr sitting final GP fellowship exam shortly (currently on A1 rates)
New GP has joined recently
Another will join in Jan ’25 on a 482-visa w/ a 4 yr post
UWS med students visits the clinic & the GPs are paid $400/day to support this education (65/35% fee split)
owner’s wife undertakes tax, financial + asset management (F/T)
1st assistant PM manages trust accounts & drs disbursement (F/T)
2nd assistant PM handles payroll, wages & office duties incl tyro, Workers’ comp billings & outstanding debt (31 hrs/wk)
Office Mngr overseas staff (3.5x/wk)

Pt case mngr
Physio (F/T) (80/20%)
podiatrist (80/20%)
Diabetes educator (1x/12) pays rm rent
Dietician – (1x/wk) pays rm rent
Hearing services (2x/12)

General surgeon -1x/12
Orthopod -1x/12
Urologist – 6x/yr
Paediatrician – 6x/yr
Endocrinologist – 6x/yr
Cardiologist – 2x/yr for assessments (no income, a pt service w/ the local hospital)
HR & Contracts

Employsure handles HR
Drs are on independent contracts, some using their own companies
Drs can also work at the local ED as a VMO so need great emergency medicine skills

MD, Pracsoft, and MYOB
Website in development
using HotDoc for appointments and billing of phone consults
Swapping Tyro for HiCaps
Pts + Billing

MB practice w/ BB for pensioners
10% of patients are Aboriginal supported by CTG – closing the gap
Practice principle w/ another GP supports about a dozen methadone + pain management pts
SWPE = 3,500 approx

$101,455 pa or the new owner can buy the bldg (Price TBA post valuation completion)
Community & Stability:

Long-term staff
3x drs own houses locally + another will join in ’25, contributing to community stability
Site visits may occur w/ the vendor at a mutually convenient time outside clinic hrs to maintain pt & staff confidentiality.

Broker: Sally Stuart

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